Home COGx
Optimize Learning Through Science
COGx translates research from cognitive science into evidence-based programs that improve student learning outcomes.
We empower students to succeed in school, which enhances engagement, improves emotional wellbeing, and academic success.
Optimize Teaching
The current approach to teaching is disconnected from how students learn (Hynes, 2014). A global crisis is emerging of learners of all ages being unprepared for future employment and prosperity, increasing achievement and opportunity gaps (UNESCO, 2023) with “uneducated, uninspired, and unskilled” learners (UNICEF, 2022). COGx optimizes teaching so it is aligned with how students learn -based on evidence from cognitive science
Professors are experts in their fields, but rarely offered training in effective teaching, limiting students' ability to benefit from their expertise. COGx helps universities adopt best teaching practices and supports students in becoming self-directed learners.

Optimize Learning
Learning is a scientific process, and for students to learn optimally they must be taught (Bjork et al., 2013: Dunlosky 2021). Students often use ineffective techniques such as highlighting and re-reading, with limited success. Such strategies are rooted in the misconception about learning (Bjork & Bjork, 2011). COGx empowers students to become protagonists of their education by mastering the science of learning.
By 2030, there will be a global human talent shortage of over 85 million people, causing an $8.5 trillion loss to global GDP (Korn Ferry, 2023). COGx helps organizations improve training programs to adhere to the science of learning.
Upending the Status Quo
Traditional schooling often frustrates both educators and students, contributing to educator attrition and student disengagement, academic struggles, and absenteeism. Misconceptions about teaching and learning have fueled this crisis across schools, higher education, and the workplace (Evans, 2023; Chronicle of Higher Ed, 2022; Society for HR Management, 2023). COGx empowers educators to prepare students for a rapidly changing world by aligning teaching with proven principles of human learning, helping both educators and students thrive.
Our mission is to democratize the science of learning, so teaching is aligned to developing the learners' skills and learning becomes the goal of all teaching
Our Solutions: Empowering Educators and Students with the Skills for Teaching & Learning
Processing Skills & Executive Function
Discover how to capture and sustain students' attention while leveraging working memory for active learning. Establish routines that strengthen executive function skills, fostering independence in your students.
Emotional Resilience
Learn to foster emotional skills that create belonging and ensure student learning, including intrinsic motivation, purpose, and real-life application. Help students build persistence, resilience, grit, and positive relationships.
Mastery, Metacognition & Feedback
Empower students to encode and retrieve information reliably, durably, and flexibly. Teach for mastery and deep learning while fostering metacognitive awareness and equipping them with evidence-based study strategies.
The Case for the Science of Learning in Schools