Home COGx

Optimize Learning Through Science

COGx translates research from cognitive science into evidence-based programs that improve student learning outcomes.

The Need...


The current approach to teaching is often disconnected from how students learn (Hynes, 2014). A global crisis is emerging of learners of all ages being unprepared for future employment and prosperity (UNICEF, 2022), increasing achievement and opportunity gaps (UNESCO, 2023) with “uneducated, uninspired, and unskilled” learners (UNICEF, 2022).


Learning is a scientific process, and for students to learn optimally they must be taught (Bjork et al., 2013: Dunlosky 2021). This is true regardless of cognitive abilities and disposition towards learning. Students often use ineffective techniques such as highlighting and re-reading, with limited success. Such strategies are rooted in the misconception about learning (Bjork & Bjork, 2011).


Misconceptions about teaching and learning based on intuition have led to an epidemic of disengagement in schools (Evans, 2023), higher education (Chronicle of Higher Ed, 2022; NY Times, 2022), and the workplace (Society for HR Management, 2023). By 2030, there will be a global human talent shortage of over 85 million people, causing an $8.5 trillion loss to global GDP (Korn Ferry, 2023).

Our mission is to democratize the science of learning, so teaching is aligned to developing the learners' skills and learning becomes the goal of all teaching

How would you like to start?

I want to learn about the science of learning

Personally invest in grasping the
science of learning (educators, students, tutors).

I want science of learning at my institution

We serve learning institutions of all sizes at any stage of the journey (schools, ministries, learning centers, and enterprise solutions)

Did You Know?

of educators wish for more tools to foster efficacious learning in their students
0 %
of educators said that their students don’t know how to learn in an optimal way.
0 %
educators said that learning would improve if they were trained to identify learning differences to personalize instruction.
0 %

Source: COGx Global Survey
We surveyed over 1,000 educators from around the world. The results highlighted the challenges in the current education system.

The Case for the Science of Learning in Schools