Cognition & Learning

Cognition & Learning

The COGx Learning Framework explains the how cognitive skills interact to support our learning process while providing sample case studies of how our individualized programs target and strengthen cognitive domains based on the learner’s unique needs. This customized approach allows us improve learning ability significantly.

See how specific learning differences relate to cognition.
Then, download Case Studies that showcase programs that have been customized to effectively target those areas to enhance learning.

Cognitive Areas Targeted


Processing effectively refers to students who can focus (sustain their attention) while manipulating the information they are receiving (working memory) and effectively process the information (processing speed). These three interdependent skills are essential to processing information effectively. Processing information affects our ability to manage information (executive function) as well as our ability to store and retrieve (learn).

Results: Sample Case Studies

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Cognitive Areas Targeted


Managing information effectively includes the ability to self-monitor, self-regulate, manage time, initiate tasks in a timely fashion, and other behaviors shared by successful learners. We use managing information interchangeably with developing Executive Function skills which are essential to academic performance and successful independent learning. Because Executive Function is reliant on Processing, we find that most students who manifest Executive Dysfunction struggle with Processing. Therefore, the cases highlighted for Executive Function (Managing) usually include Processing.

Results: Sample Case Studies

Download case studies for students who needed support with processing and managing information (executive function)

Cognitive Areas Targeted


Acquiring & Applying refers to one’s ability to store and retrieve information effectively. Memory is critical to learning as it serves as the foundation for knowledge. Memory is strengthened by mastering the techniques we rely on to encode information and the strategies that are most effective to retrieve information. Sophisticated learners know and apply these.

Results: Sample Case Studies

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Cognitive Areas Targeted


Struggling to process information effectively can affect our ability to encode/store information, which compromises our memory. In other words, a root cause processing can cause a domino effect on all aspects of learning, including our ability to encode and retrieve information effectively.

Results: Sample Case Studies

Download case studies for students who needed support with processing and managing information (executive function)

Cognitive Areas Targeted


Students who struggle processing information effectively tend to demonstrate symptoms of executive dysfunction: difficulty with organization, planning, impulsivity, difficulty shifting between tasks, and/or managing time. These symptoms are commonly caused by a relative weakness in attention, processing speed and/or working memory, which are interdependent skills for processing information effectively. It is quite common for students diagnosed as dyslexic, or ADHD, or twice exceptional, to require programs that target the area weak and the behavioral symptoms

Results: Sample Case Studies

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Cognitive Areas Targeted


Learning can often be completely sabotaged by a few core cognitive skills that are essential. This can occur when processing affects executive functions and compromises the ability to store and retrieve information (memory). If a student is struggling with all three components of learning, then it is critical to their success that a program can holistically address the deficits sequentially. For example, it would be futile to raise awareness (metacognition) for a student who lacks the skills to process, manage and/or acquire and apply information. This could magnify frustrations and/or create negative associations to learning.

Results: Sample Case Studies

Download case studies for students who needed support with processing and managing information (executive function)

Review our customized approach and outcomes across a broad range of ages and goals for COGx students


Name: Mason Age: 11 Program GoalsTo improve processing speed, working memory, and attention in order to help Mason spend less time on tasks and work independently. “This program helped me learn what worked best for me.” Mason ADHD Research, Insight … Read More


Name: Yara Age: 11 Program GoalsTo improve weaknesses improve processing speed, attention (primarily sustained attention), and executive functioning; improve visualization to support spelling ability and reading comprehension. “Yara is like a different student in the classroom. She is more organized … Read More


Name: Vincent Age: 15 Program GoalsTo target processing speed and executive function, boost motivation and generalize purposeful behavior/habits to real-life gains. “I feel I could learn anything I set myself to learn, and I didn’t think so before training. I’m … Read More


Name: Tanya Age: 9 Program GoalsTo develop a growth mindset, strengthen her processing skills, primarily processing speed, and improve her long-term memory, so that she can learn more easily and experience the joy of learning. “Initially Tanya was skeptical and … Read More


Name: Sophia Age: 12 Program GoalsTo increase Sophia’s processing speed, attention, memory and metacognition, so that she becomes a more aware, confident and independent learner. “This program sparked something inside her, and now she is consuming everything ferociously. I am … Read More


Name: Solomon Age: 11 Program GoalsTo strengthen Solomon’s processing skills (attention, processing speed & working memory), to improve executive functioning, long-term memory, and metacognition, so that Solomon can learn with less difficulty. “I could use these techniques to learn anything, … Read More


Name: Samuel Age: 59 Program GoalsTo strengthen long-term memory and processing speed, so that Samuel can regain confidence and improve in performing his daily activities. “I was unable to diagnose cases when we met and now my ability to diagnose … Read More


Name: Rafael Age: 20 Program GoalsTo enhance processing skills, long-term memory and teach study skills so that Rafael becomes an efficient learner. “My working memory improved to the point where I am once again able to read more than a … Read More


Name: Phillip Age: 17 Program GoalsTo improve long-term memory, reasoning/comprehension skills and metacognition, so that Phillip can learn complex content more easily. “Phillip really enjoyed COGx and is excited to apply what he has learned to his studies.” Parent ASD … Read More


Name: Olivia Age: 19 Program GoalsTo improve long-term memory through the teaching, training, and transferring of memory techniques and strategies; transfer real-life application to include pre-med college courses. “The memory techniques I learned from COGx have been extremely helpful in … Read More


Name: Nurah Age: 13 Program GoalsTo strengthen processing skills (attention, working memory and processing speed); improve long-term memory by mastering evidence-based techniques and strategies, and enhance metacognition. “The rate at which she is learning new information continues to increase as … Read More


Name: Maura Age: 19 Program GoalsTo improve weaknesses in processing speed, long-term memory, and executive function; regarding speed, target ability to process (integration) and produce outputs; regarding long-term memory, target ability to accurate store and retrieve information reliably in order … Read More


Name: Ahmad Age: 9 Program GoalsTo strengthen Ahmad’s processing skills, primarily working memory, and to improve his executive functioning. “The tools Ahmad acquired throughout his program completely transformed his approach and attitude toward learning for the better!” COGx Learning Specialist … Read More


Name: Mary Age: 16 Program GoalsTo enhance her overall learning ability, so that she can return to and complete high school. Her program primarily focused on improving her long-term memory through teaching, training and transferring of memory techniques and strategies. … Read More


Name: Maggie Age: 10 Program GoalsStrengthen attention, coach executive functions (planning, organization, time management, etc.) and reduce impulsivity, so that Maggie can become a more independent and confident learner. “It’s unbelievable how much her self-awareness has improved” Parent “I have … Read More


Name: Harry Age: 13 Program GoalsTo develop processing skills (attention and processing speed) , long-term memory and metacognition, so that Harry improves his overall learning ability. “I like school more now and like using linking to remember things.” Harry Cognition … Read More


Name: Hannah Age: 10 Program GoalsTo improve processing speed (output), and equip Hannah with learning tools to make her a more confident learner. Twice Exceptional Research, Insight & Our Approach COGx Visit our resource library Learn More Profile Aproach Outcomes … Read More


Name: Eric Age: 10 Program GoalsTo improve his processing speed, working memory, and executive functioning, and to enhance his memory so that he can become an efficient, organized, an independent learner. “I would get confused a lot in school and … Read More


Name: Derek Age: 17 Program GoalsTo improve processing speed through both cognitive training and the development of efficient memory techniques; to improve verbal and written expression through the development of metacognition; to improve personal and academic organization. “Derek became more … Read More


Name: David Age: 17 Program GoalsTo strengthen his processing skills, coach him on executive functioning behaviors, teach him evidence-based memory techniques & strategies and build his metacognition, so that he can become an aware and effective learner. “He now is … Read More


Name: Claire Age: 13 Program GoalsTo improve Claire’s long term-memory by teaching, training and transferring evidence-based techniques and strategies, and to improve her metamemory so that she can boost her academic performance. “I definitely feel my memory improved & I’m … Read More


Name: Cara Age: 10 Program GoalsTo increase Cara’s processing speed, to reduce her impulsivity, and to improve her ability to remember information and organize thoughts so that she can learn more quickly and easily. “I learned tricks that help me … Read More


Name: Benjamin Age: 16 Program GoalsTo improve Benjamin’s processing speed, in order to help him complete assignments faster. “Note taking has gotten better. I’m more organized and quicker. I can process information that comes in auditorily and visually better than … Read More

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