COGx Impact (Workspace)

COGx Impact

We empower
around the world with evidence-based tools.

How you brought us closer to our vision...

COGx partnered with Ministries of Education, Public School Districts, Private Schools, Colleges, and Individual learning centers globally.

Making a difference in teaching practices...

How we are transforming educators' teaching practices...

What Educators Are Saying

Transforming student learning...

This pop-up will include details/research behind MAI and mention collaboration with Bjork Lab for impact study.

This pop-up will include details/research behind Self Efficacy and mention collaboration with Bjork Lab for impact study.

What Students Are Saying

“I enjoyed the real cases and examples with real people. It helped me grasp the concept more instead of just looking over facts.”

“I liked the pacing of the modules [and] that there was information on how to integrate the strategies into life.”

“I thought the facts behind it were very good and made me more interested in how my brain works.”

Sections not yet organized…

Dr. Robert Bjork

Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab

Dr. Elizabeth Bjork

Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab

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Address Various Processing Speeds

Processing speed refers to a learner’s ability to perceive, integrate, and respond to visual, auditory, or motor information. In our programs, educators learn how to discern and tailor their teaching to accommodate variations in processing speeds within their classroom.

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educators reported they learnt why processing speed is a critical component of learning

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educators say they now understand how learners vary in their processing speeds and how to accommodate these differences in the classroom

What Educators Are Saying

Leverage Working Memory

It is difficult to identify a learning task that does not rely on working memory, the ability to mentally juggle information. Our programs enable educators to become well versed on the ins and outs of working memory and provide classroom strategies that support and strengthen it.

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educators said they gained new knowledge on how the  working memory subsystems process information

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educators learnt strategies to reduce working memory overload in the classroom.

What Educators Are Saying

Support Executive Function Skills

As educators, we know the critical relationship between executive function and learning success well. However, it can be quite challenging to teach executive function. COGx programs presents ways to support all students in the classroom before, during, and after learning. Educators are enabled to crack the code of executive function and target skill development to unlock their students’ full potential.

Our Impact
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educators said they felt enabled to identify & connect the role of specific cognitive skills required for executive function behaviors

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educators said they feel capable to identify and improve executive function in the classroom

What Educators Are Saying

Capture & Sustain Student Attention

Attention is a core cognitive skill that plays a critical role in learning. It is the first processing skill to be tasked when we are receiving information. While students are often told to “pay attention,” they are rarely taught how. In our programs, educators learn how to capture, keep, and gauge their students’ attention.

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educators reported to have gained a deeper understanding on the role of processing skills in learning

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educators felt confident in implementing tools that target & accommodate differences in attention

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educators reported to have gained a better understanding of how to capture and sustain student attention

What Educators Are Saying

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