- Name: Ahmad
- Age: 9
Cognition & Learning
Ahmad is a rambunctious and care-free young boy. His mom reports the he enjoys acting, is very funny, often recalls unique facts from books and movies and is highly disorganized. She was concerned because he performed inconsistently in school-sometimes great & sometimes very poorly.
She enrolled Ahmad in COGx after a psychologist administered a battery of assessments, which revealed he had executive dysfunction and low working memory.
In sessions, Ahmad would ask lots of questions and frequently get lost in his own thoughts. He also would fidget often causing him to fall out of his chair or lose his shoe. We intensely drilled & practiced a variety of visual & auditory exercises to strengthen his working memory, which resulted in improved attention and processing (making sense) of information.
Ahmad used ‘acting’ along with visualization to memorize customized monologues that helped him master his post-school routine and prompts he could ask himself when he struggled doing his homework instead of giving up.
He also completed customized worksheets in and outside of sessions that allowed him to practice goal setting, scheduling tasks, and reflecting/evaluating his approach, so he can become a more aware learner.
By the end of his program, Ahmad had improved cognitive stamina. He was more attentive, less impulsive and no longer required ‘mental breaks.’
He independently was able to break large tasks down and monitor himself while applying memory techniques & strategies.