Individualized Cognitive Enhancement – New
COGx Individualized Cognitive Enhancement Programs
Learning is a cognitive process and cognition is malleable. Every learner has a unique cognitive profile. Our individualized programs target cognition, develop metacognitive awareness, and teach students to learn effectively. Schedule an appointment to learn more about the program or explore partnership opportunities.
Cognition & Learning
Learning is a science that must be taught and it depends on the strength of our cognitive skills. Fortunately, these skills are malleable, which means they can be improved.
Our Process
Our programs teach the scientific principles of learning and are customized to develop each learner's unique cognitive and metacognitive skills. We also ensure transfer of these skills to real life.
Our Results
Learners are assessed before and after the program using validated tools to measure impact. Learners and their families and teachers report noticeable improvements in academic and home environments.
Academic Research on Student Learning
Sophisticated Learners
A sophisticated learner understands the architecture of how they learn, possesses a “toolbox” of strategies and techniques to reliably store and retrieve information, and knows how to supervise and monitor their own learning. COGx programs help to develop sophisticated and independent learners by explicitly teaching the Science of Learning, training cognitive and metacognitive skills, and transferring gains to real life.

(Professor Robert Bjork’s framework for Sophisticated Learners)
COGx Programs Enhance:
- Following Multi-Step Directions
- Shifting Between Tasks
- Attention to Detail
- Organizing Thoughts & Ideas
- Comprehension
- Self-Regulation
- Initiation
- Metacognition
- Storing & Recalling Information
- Visualizing Information
- Linking & Associations
- Problem Solving
- Effective Study Skills
- Pattern Recognition
- Processing Speed
- Impulsivity
- Articulating Information
- Math Fluency
- Sustaining Focus
- Creative / Divergent Thinking
- Listening Skills
Read more on how COGx programs enhances cognitive skills and addresses various learning difficulties.
COGx Learning Framework
While learning is a science that must be taught, learning also depends on the strength of our cognitive skills. Fortunately, these skills are malleable, which means they can be improved. COGx distills the foundational skills required for learning into a framework (depicted in the pyramid). PROCESSING refers to the ability to receive, hold, and make sense of information. This includes Attention, Working Memory, and Processing Speed. These skills work interdependently to integrate information. When one or more of these skills are weak, inefficiency can occur that often undermines a learner’s managing skills. MANAGING refers to the ability to supervise learning & monitor goal-directed behaviors. This includes Executive Functions like cognitive flexibility, impulse control, organization, planning, initiation, time management, and goal setting. It also includes Metacognitive Skills, including a learner’s knowledge of learning principles, their self-awareness, and ability to monitor, control, and assess their own learning. ACQUIRING & APPLYING refers to the ability to store and retrieve information (Long-Term Memory). It is through Long-Term Memory that we accumulate knowledge and apply what we know to learn efficiently, think critically and creatively.

The COGx Approach: Developing Successful Learners

Teach: the science of learning
COGx programs include a curriculum that teaches students the scientific principles that underpin learning success. This allows students to master evidence-based techniques and strategies specific to learning and memory, in addition to raising their metacognition to become more sophisticated and independent learners.
Train: develop skill and ability
Training involves drill and practice of cognitive exercises that adapt and evolve as skills improve, which is essential to improving one’s underlying skills. Improved ability is a prerequisite to better learning but insufficient in isolation.
Transfer: generalization to real-life
The transfer component of the programs ensures the generalization of cognitive gains to real-life in a way that is individualized and meaningful to the trainee. It is important that coaching only occurs after underlying cognitive skills have been improved
Cognitive Diversity & Learning Difficulties
Every student is uniquely wired and curious to learn. We rely on our cognitive skills to learn. These vary in their relative strength. They are malleable, which means they can be strengthened. Effective learning is complex and counterintuitive. Improving a student’s learning ability requires a sophisticated understanding of learning alongside robust methods to customize the approach. Our programs target cognition to improve learning. Common injuries and illnesses such as concussions, ABI, cancer, PTSD, as well as anxiety and depression, can have an adverse effect on cognitive skills. COGx has consistently delivered cognitive remediation programs with success. Our clinical and customized programs target and remediate these core areas to brain function.