What does the PISA report mean for my school? The most recent PISA results were released in early December, 2023 and quickly became news. While some of the news was positive, most was quite glum. However, the value in the … Read More
Author Archives: shema@cogx.info

La evidencia del aprendizaje socio-emocional (SEL)
La evidencia del aprendizaje socio-emocional (SEL) Aunque el aprendizaje es un proceso cognitivo, los estudiantes también son seres sociales y emocionales, que desarrollan continuamente toda la gama de habilidades intelectuales, sociales y emocionales. Al igual que las capacidades cognitivas, las … Read More

What science tells us about Social Emotional Learning
What science tells us about SEL While learning is a cognitive process, students are also social and emotional beings, who are continuously developing the full range of intellectual, social, and emotional skills. Similar to cognitive skills, social and emotional skills … Read More

Conceptos clave de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje informados sobre el trauma
Conceptos clave de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje informados sobre el trauma Lamentablemente, los traumas son más comunes entre los niños de lo que se piensa, y se ha demostrado que afectan a su rendimiento escolar. Esto es cierto en … Read More

Key concepts of trauma-informed teaching and learning
Key concepts of trauma-informed teaching and learning Sadly, trauma is more common among children than we think, and it has been proven that it impacts their achievement at school. This is true across geographies, and it does not discriminate based … Read More

Fomentar el bienestar de los estudiantes con evidencia científicas
Fomentar el bienestar de los estudiantes con evidencia científica Imagina que estás en el colegio, haciendo un examen de esa asignatura que siempre te ha costado. Has estudiado mucho, pero sigues teniendo el temor persistente de que, como tantas otras … Read More

Support student wellbeing with scientific evidence
Support student wellbeing with scientific evidence Imagine you are at school, taking a test on that one subject that you always struggled with. You studied a lot but you still have the lingering fear that, like many times before, you … Read More

¿Qué nos dice la ciencia sobre la atención de los estudiantes?
¿Qué nos dice la ciencia sobre la atención de los estudiantes? ¿Qué es la atención? En un día común y corriente procesamos 11 millones de bits de información por segundo. Sin embargo, nuestro cerebro descarta el 99% de la información … Read More

What science tells us about student attention
What science tells us about student attention What is attention? On an average day, we process 11 million bits of information every second. However, our brain discards 99% of the information we are exposed to. This begs the questions: can … Read More

Is technology affecting student attention?
Is Technology Affecting Student Attention? …the sheer volume of information we are exposed to every day is nearly 200 times more than people were exposed to 20 years ago In our daily life, we process millions of bits of information. … Read More