COGx Hosts Workshop at L’ATTITUDE’s LatinX EdTech Summit, From Pain Points to Possibilities September, 2024 COGx led a compelling workshop at the LatinX EdTech Summit during the L’ATTITUDE Conference, addressing the critical need for educational reform. The session, titled Transforming our … Read More
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El papel de la codificación en el aprendizaje
El papel de la codificación en el aprendizaje Aunque ha sido mal interpretada y criticada, la memoria es fundamental para el aprendizaje, ya que es un requisito previo para acumular conocimientos, necesarios para el pensamiento crítico y la creatividad. La … Read More

The Role of Encoding in Learning
The Role of Encoding in Learning Although it has been largely misconstrued and criticized, memory is critical to learning since it is a prerequisite to amassing knowledge, which is necessary for critical thinking and creative problem-solving. An education succeeds when … Read More

Por qué la recuperación de la memoria es importante en la educación
Por qué la recuperación de la memoria es importante en la educación La memoria ha sido menospreciada durante mucho tiempo en la educación, a pesar de desempeñar un papel crucial en el proceso de aprendizaje. Daniel Willingham, profesor de psicología … Read More

Mentalidad de los estudiantes eficaces
Mentalidad de los estudiantes eficaces Recuerde cuando era estudiante. ¿Hubo alguna asignatura que le fuera especialmente difícil? ¿Le hacía sentir que nunca entendería el tema? ¿Qué pensamientos y sentimientos experimentó durante las clases o durante un examen? Está ampliamente documentado … Read More

Mindsets of successful students
Mindsets of Successful Students Think back to when you were a student. Was there a subject you particularly struggled with? Did it make you feel like you would never understand the topic? What thoughts and feelings did you experience during … Read More

The Development of Executive Function
The Development of Executive Function Executive functioning is a set of higher-order mental processes that facilitate goal-directed behavior and are critical to becoming a self regulated learner. It includes abilities like organization, time management, and impulse control, among many others. … Read More

How to improve executive function in students
How to Improve Executive Function in Students Executive functions are an essential set of skills for every student. It includes all the mental processes required to facilitate goal-directed behavior, like motivation, planning, emotional regulation, processing regulation, self-monitoring and self-regulation. Interestingly, … Read More

Por qué la motivación y el compromiso son importantes en la educación
Por qué la motivación y el compromiso son importantes en la educación Piense en una clase que haya disfrutado especialmente cuando estaba en la escuela o en una de sus clases más exitosas como educador. Una de las cosas que … Read More

Why Motivation & Engagement Matter in Education
Why Motivation & Engagement Matter in Education Think about a class you particularly enjoyed when you were in school or one of your most successful lessons as an educator. One of the things that likely made this lesson such a … Read More