
What does student motivation and engagement look like?

What does student motivation and engagement look like? Most people who have been at the front of a class or a lecture will agree that having a motivated and engaged group of students can make a big difference. Most likely … Read More

The Importance of Memory in Learning

The Importance of Memory in Learning In the last couple of decades, the importance of memory has been highly criticized and disregarded in education. On one hand, it is not uncommon for students to wonder why they would ever need … Read More

Student Motivation & Engagement: Key concepts

Student motivation & engagement: Key concepts When compared to engaged students, disengaged students are: 9 times more likely to get poor grades in school, 2 times more likely to miss significant amounts of school in the past year, and 2 … Read More

Positive Education: Fostering Well-being and Academic Success in Students

Positive Education: Fostering Well-being and Academic Success in Students Positive education is the result of integrating the principles of positive psychology to the classroom. It is very important to acknowledge, first, that positive psychology is a science and that it … Read More

What does the PISA report mean for my school?

What does the PISA report mean for my school? The most recent PISA results were released in early December, 2023 and quickly became news. While some of the news was positive, most was quite glum. However, the value in the … Read More

What science tells us about Social Emotional Learning

What science tells us about SEL While learning is a cognitive process, students are also social and emotional beings, who are continuously developing the full range of intellectual, social, and emotional skills. Similar to cognitive skills, social and emotional skills … Read More

Key concepts of trauma-informed teaching and learning

Key concepts of trauma-informed teaching and learning Sadly, trauma is more common among children than we think, and it has been proven that it impacts their achievement at school. This is true across geographies, and it does not discriminate based … Read More

Support student wellbeing with scientific evidence

Support student wellbeing with scientific evidence Imagine you are at school, taking a test on that one subject that you always struggled with. You studied a lot but you still have the lingering fear that, like many times before, you … Read More

What science tells us about student attention

What science tells us about student attention What is attention? On an average day, we process 11 million bits of information every second. However, our brain discards 99% of the information we are exposed to. This begs the questions: can … Read More

Is technology affecting student attention?

Is Technology Affecting Student Attention? …the sheer volume of information we are exposed to every day is nearly 200 times more than people were exposed to 20 years ago In our daily life, we process millions of bits of information. … Read More