Transforming Schools

Transforming Schools

A Crisis

For decades, a broken school system has been sustained at the expense of learning. We have ignored what research reveals about how we learn to favor a system that promotes performance over learning and creates vast inequalities along the way. Structuring our schools around standardized time and grades has ensured every year of schooling subtracts intellectual curiosity, engagement, and creativity from students. Too many educators resign because their  profession removes the incentive to teach and leaves educators ill equipped to succeed. The system rewards compliance and apathy, causing an exodus of impassioned and talented teachers. Generations of students have been unable to achieve their potential through traditional schooling.  Misconceptions about teaching and learning based on intuition have led to an epidemic of disengagement in schools (Evans, 2023), higher education (Chronicle of Higher Ed, 2022; NY Times, 2022), and the workplace (Society for HR Management, 2023). The situation has become so severe that the creators and protectors of the status quo have acknowledged their role in this broken system and promise to change how we assess schools in order to foster learning. 

Is change in our education system eminent?

“In fact, not only can we put cognitive science discoveries into practice, but I believe we're ethically obligated to do so... the benefits of cognitively friendly instruction are so profound that inaction at this point would be tantamount to malpractice. We have knowledge that can help them realize a lifelong love of learning. It's time to put that knowledge to work.”
Sanjay Sarma
Vice President for Open Learning, MIT
Hear from Industry Experts!

Leveraging the Science of Learning - Mini Video Series

Online Programs on the Science of Learning for Schools

for Educators

Compelling research and insightful application to bolster teaching efficacy.

for Leaders

Equips school leaders with the tools to align instruction with learning science.

for Students

Educates students on how people learn & equips them with evidence-based study strategies.

for Individuals

What every parent and individual should know about optimal learning.

Did You Know?

of educators wish for more tools to foster efficacious learning in their students
0 %
of educators said that their students don’t know how to learn in an optimal way.
0 %
educators said that learning would improve if they were trained to identify learning differences to personalize intsruction.
0 %

Source: COGx Global Survey
We surveyed over 1,000 educators from around the world. The results highlighted the challenges in the current education system.

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