Our Solutions

Our Solutions

Co-developed with the world’s leading experts on human learning, COGx programs optimize teaching and learning. 

In Partnership With Experts on Learning Science from...

COGx has been devoted to translating scientific research and evidence-based practice into accessible programs. They are rigorous in their approach and committed to applying research findings and evidence with fidelity. As a result, they are making great strides in changing the status quo in education to one that embraces scientific research on learning.

Professor Robert Bjork
COGx Academic Partner & Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab

#1 Transforming How We Teach

Teaching is often disconnected from how students learn and too many students are forced to drop-out, struggle, and/or work too hard to do well (Hines, 2014).

Professional Development for Educators: Developing Sophisticated Learners™

Educators are far more effective at teaching what they know if they master how students learn. Yet, this formation is rarely included in per-service training or in-service training. Ignoring this does not set up educators or students to succeed. COGx closes this gap with a robust, flexible and proven program offering that can be customized to meet each organization’s needs. Through modules, expert coaching and guidance as well as application guides, educators learn how to design and deliver curriculum, so students master what they are taught and build the skills and habits for independent lifelong learning.

Program for Leaders: Distilling the Science of Learning™

There is an art and a science to change management. To best support teachers and students in applying the evidence-based instruction through proven programs that distill the science of learning, school leaders benefit from support and coaching. In a mix of online modules and workshops, school leaders gain a high-level understanding of how students learn, the ability to be an effective advocate among stakeholders, and a toolbox of methods to support faculty.

#2 Transforming How Students Learn

Learning is a scientific process, and for students to learn optimally they must be taught. This is true regardless of cognitive abilities and disposition towards learning (Bjork et al., 2013).

Program for Students: Becoming a Sophisticated Learner™

Schools ask students to learn without explicitly teaching them how to do so effectively. Research reveals they rely on the least effective strategies to learn. This causes students to work too hard and/or underperform. An education is incomplete if we fail to teach our students how to learn optimally. COGx closes this gap by democratizing the science of learning for students with various versions of the program for middle school through college-level students.

#3 Transforming Equity & Personalization

The brain is always capable of changing in response to experiences and relationships (Darling-Hammond & Cook-Harvey, 2018). Without an intervention to interrupt negative outcomes, the past is not going to correct itself, and the future is going to be a product of this (Luchins & Luchins,1990).

Individualized Learning Enhancement Programs

Learning is a cognitive process, and each learner has a unique cognitive profile. Learning difficulties are often rooted in cognitive skills we might not see in class or measure in school (processing speed, working memory, visual processing, encoding or retrieval skills, to name a few). Our clinical programs meet the learner exactly where they are -they are customized to target and strengthen the cognitive skills essential for learning effectively while simultaneously developing the student's awareness (metacognition).

Group-Based Learning Enhancement Programs

This hands-on skill-building program trains high school level students to become expert learners. Students master the most effective techniques and strategies for learning so they know how to fluidly apply these based on what they are learning. Small groups of students are paired with a certified COGx educator who guides practice sessions through the course of a semester meeting twice per week.

Learner Profile (Skills Assessment)

This report describes an individual student’s cognitive skills (developed by The University of Pennsylvania Medical School) and metacognitive abilities. It helps educators personalize learning.

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