
COGx for Ministries of Education 

Your guide in transforming education, rooted in the latest research on human learning.

The Need for the Science of Learning

COGx Expert Guidance to Acheive Your Goals

Transforming Teaching and Learning
Teaching Excellence

Empower your educators to teach based on the latest scientific research.

Learning Excellence

Grant every student the opportunity to learn how to learn effectively and independently for life.

Local Capacity

Enable your community to assume the responsibility for leading further implementation of COGx Solutions.

The COGx Implementation Process

Ensuring Your Success
Phase 1
Alignment & Proposal

We meet with key stakeholders to evaluate how your mission, vision, and strategic plan aligns with our programs that distill the science of learning. If we are strategically aligned, we present a proposal.

Phase 2

We contextualize our programs to your language culture, and audience. We also co-design the pace and modality of our training to develop your internal capacity to deliver programs with fidelity.

Phase 3
Localize Adoption & Proof of Concept

We provide a comprehensive training to create a local Center of Excellence which creates local expertise and flexibility. We then jointly rollout our programs on the Science of Learning to a subset of your target audience (leaders, educators and/or students) and measure results to validate and/or further customize the process.

Phase 4

Participants are enrolled with our continued support. Programs are updated periodically to stay up to date with current research.

COGx Award Winning Programs

Explore Our Solutions

We co-develop tailored programs, with the world’s leading experts on human learning, to bridge gaps in teaching and learning.

Developing Sophisticated Learners for Educators

Educators are far more effective at teaching what they know if they master how students learn. Yet, this information is rarely included in pre-service training or in-service training. Ignoring this does not set up educators or students to succeed. COGx closes this gap with a robust, flexible and proven program offering that can be customized to meet each organization’s needs.

Becoming a Sophisticated Learner for Students

Research reveals that students rely on the least effective strategies to learn. This causes students to work too hard and/or underperform. An education is incomplete if we fail to teach our students how to learn optimally. COGx closes this gap by democratizing the science of learning for students with various versions of the program for middle school through college-level students.

Distilling the Science of Learning for School Leaders

There is an art and a science to change management. To best support teachers and students in applying the evidence-based instruction through proven programs that distill the science of learning, school leaders benefit from support and coaching. In a mix of online modules and workshops, school leaders gain a high-level understanding of how students learn, the ability to be an effective advocate among stakeholders, and a toolbox of methods to support faculty.

In Partnership With Experts on Learning Science from...

COGx has been devoted to translating scientific research and evidence-based practice into accessible programs. They are rigorous in their approach and committed to applying research findings and evidence with fidelity. As a result, they are making great strides in changing the status quo in education to one that embraces scientific research on learning.

Professor Robert Bjork
COGx Academic Partner & Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab

Our Global Impact

By the Numbers
COGx is the finest example I’ve encountered of cutting edge research applied to educational methodology. All educators should be required to learn effective strategies to develop the foundational cognitive skills students need to engage in the critical thinking and creative problem solving that 21st century education demands.
Sara Edward EdD.
Educator, United States
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COGx is proud to have collaborated with over 20 countries adopting to local language and culture.

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Participants highly recommend COGx Science of Learning Programs to others.

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While 88% participants achieved mastery. The COGx approach ensured over 90% completed our programs.

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