
Debunking Common Learning and Memory Myths

Watch this recording for an overview of the Science of Learning and debunk common learning/memory myths with an eye on strategies that benefit all learners.

Explore COGx Programs


Educators learn from a team of global experts on the Science of Learning and apply it to their instructional practices. It consists of 12 self-led modules, which are complemented with synchronous group collaboration, assignments, and workshops to support educators. 


School Leaders are equipped with the tools to align instruction with learning science. This program helps gain a high-level understanding of how students learn and a toolbox of methods to support faculty. A Mission Mapping workshop and up to 1 hour of personalized consulting are included.


Students learn how the brain processes information and what behaviors promote optimal learning. The program consists of 6 modules of active and collaborative learning. For a blended implementation, educators receive a facilitator’s guide that includes lesson plans and activities.

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