COGx Impact (Workspace)
How you brought us closer to our vision...
COGx partnered with Ministries of Education, Public School Districts, Private Schools, Colleges, and Individual learning centers globally.
Making a difference in teaching practices...

How we are transforming educators' teaching practices...

What Educators Are Saying
Transforming student learning...

This pop-up will include details/research behind MAI and mention collaboration with Bjork Lab for impact study.

This pop-up will include details/research behind Self Efficacy and mention collaboration with Bjork Lab for impact study.

What Students Are Saying
“I enjoyed the real cases and examples with real people. It helped me grasp the concept more instead of just looking over facts.”
“I liked the pacing of the modules [and] that there was information on how to integrate the strategies into life.”
“I thought the facts behind it were very good and made me more interested in how my brain works.”
Sections not yet organized…

Dr. Robert Bjork
Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab

Dr. Elizabeth Bjork
Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab
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