Wellbeing Belonging

Teach for Belonging

The Science of Emotions, Relationships, Engagement & Motivation in Learning


Positive Emotions & Relationships

Option 1: Fostering Positive Emotions & Relationships

Understand how childhood adversity and trauma affect cognition and learning. Learn how to foster positive emotions and behaviors that increase student engagement, effort and learning outcomes. Develop a better understanding of the interdependencies between cognition, emotion and behaviors to better support your students.

Topics  Addressed:

  • The impact of emotions on cognition and learning.
  • 8 principles of Trauma-Sensitive Education 
  • 3 student mindsets: Growth, Belonging, and Purpose/Relevance.
  • 6 essential components of Positive Education.
  • 5 core competencies of Social-Emotional Learning.
  • Classroom strategies to support positive emotions, engagement and positive relationships in learning.

Fostering Motivation & Engagement

Option 2:  Fostering Motivation & Engagement

Student engagement often decreases with every year of schooling. Yet, student learning requires their engagement and motivation. Learn what research reveals about the most effective ways for teachers to foster student motivation and engagement in the classroom.

Topics Addressed:

  • The science behind engagement and motivation.
  • How to engage students including the 3 dimensions of engagement.
  • How to tap into intrinsic motivation including Self-Determination Theory.
  • Classroom strategies and methods that engage and motivate students.
Design your own PD with COGx

Option 3:  Customized Programing

COGx can deliver customized PD from our areas of expertise translating the science of learning into evidence-based programs that improve teaching and learning outcomes. To see a complete list of topics we can deliver customized PD on, click here.



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