Serving Organizations

Align Teaching & Learning with Learning Science

We partner with organizations who strive to make teaching and learning more effective, efficient, and accessible. Our programs help school systems attract and retain educators empowered to thrive and students who can flourish, while improving learning outcomes.

Click below to explore how we serve each of these segments with our solutions.
K12 Districts & Schools

Enabling your vision of bringing evidence based practices to every classroom.

  • Empower every educator to teach for mastery by adopting evidence-based strategies co-developed by world-renowned experts in cognitive science.

  • Empower every student to master the science of learning and become protagonists of their learning journey.

  • Experience improved learning outcomes and a thriving learning community.

Prepare students for success in higher ed and equip them with the skills to thrive in a competitive workforce.

  • Setup every enrolling student at your college to complete their degree and learn to process information effectively.

  • Empower learners with learning strategies that can combat learning loss and deficits in knowledge.

  • Establish mindsets and habits of mind needed to be successful in higher education and beyond.
COGx for Ministries of Education 

Empowering Ministries with cost-effective, contextualized replicable teaching and learning solutions tailored to diverse market needs.

  • Implement evidence-based teaching methodologies for enhanced learning outcomes.

  • Collaborate on strategic initiatives driving innovation in education.

  • Provide ongoing support for sustained growth and replicable outcomes.
COGx Enterprise Solutions

Our consulting solutions ensure your programming adhere to the science of learning for maximum impact.


Whether you're training, presenting, or selling, all interactions with staff, clients, and prospects are more profitable and productive when aligned with he science of learning. We start by assessing how we can optimize this process.


Receive a proposal that details how we can optimize your content, programs, solutions, and/or presentations with the science of learning.


COGx redesigns your content to adhere to learning science and provides coaching and training for its implementation. Programs can be hosted and managed in our LMS with supporting tech solutions that facilitate learning objectives for your solutions.

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